My Girlfriend Tried to Eat Me

Rowley is a seventeen-year-old boy filled with passion for his amazing life, including a great job, a happy family, and a fantastic girlfriend. Well, Aspen isn’t technically his girlfriend yet, but that will change soon enough. Except ... when the morning of their first date arrives, something happens.
It starts with his mother, who worries him by mechanically repeating their conversation word-for-word from the night before and saying nothing else. Things only get stranger as Rowley goes out in search of help. People everywhere are repeating the same words and actions over and over with dull, uncomprehending expressions.
Then they get hungry. Their eyes change, switching from glassy and unfocused to fiery and feral. It’s scary enough when food is around and they and wolf it down with reckless ferocity, but the food won’t last forever. Rowley desperately tries to protect his family and friends who've all fallen victim to this ... this terrible thing that has happened to the world. But can he survive it himself? And … why hasn't he changed like the rest of them?
My Girlfriend Tried to Eat Me was so much fun to write. The idea actually came from a dream I had. I was in a shopping mall filled with zombies, but they weren't your Hollywood zombies. (Truth be told, I don't like how zombies are portrayed in almost every book and movie I've experienced). These zombies repeated the last phrase they said before turning into a zombie over and over again. They were very much alive, and they left us alone—for the most part. In my dream, I felt an urgency to escape because I knew if they got hungry, their whole demeanor would change.
This is a young-adult thriller/dystopian novel about how a teenage boy deals with finding himself alone in a new and frightening world. It's silly, heart-wrenching, exciting, and fun. If you're like me and are fascinated by the idea of zombies (but also hate how most people have portrayed them) then this is a good book for you.